Simon has studied and practised some of the teachings of renowned Tibetan Buddhist teacher Tarthang Tulku for over 35 years, including Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga.
Kum Nye (pronounced “koom njei”) Tibetan Yoga is a Tibetan approach to wellbeing… to feeling comfortable in your own skin. It can be simply described as gentle movement exercises interspersed with periods of sitting meditation. It also involves breathing, visualisation, self-massage and voice.
As we practise, the stress that comes from being ‘in our heads’ most of the time, begins to release. Body, breath, mind and senses come together and we gradually become calm, still, alert and naturally balanced.
Simon is one of a handful of Authorised Teachers of Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga in the UK (www.kumnyeuk.org).
Simon is delighted to have the opportunity to share it with others on a non-profit basis.
- Authorised Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga Teacher Kum Nye UK
- Assistant Teacher at Dharma College, Berkeley, California