Q: What are the range of therapeutic services you offer?
I offer Rosen Method Bodywork, and Coaching.
Q: Who might this help and what difference can it make to a client’s wellbeing?
Rosen is helpful for a wide range of conditions, from back and muscle pain, headaches and migraines to stress of different kinds, anxiety to Complex PTSD. It is also for those seeking to experience, process and explore a wider range of feelings, from grief to joy, issues of intimacy, early life attachment, and those who want to feel more in their bodies.
Rosen has helped clients overcome flashbacks, manage PTSD, experience more joy, greater relaxation, connection and intimacy. It helps people to feel the barriers they may have put up to life and helps them to let go of these if they are no longer needed.
The gentle touch, sensitive words and supportive presence of Rosen helps clients to let go of limiting holding patterns and as they relax, they can reconnect with their vitality and ease.
Q: How long have you been working as a therapist?
I’ve been working as a therapist, first as a weight loss counsellor, adding life coaching and Rosen since 2003.
Q: What first inspired you in this form of therapy – was there any personal experience that led you to it?
Whilst working as a counsellor and coach, I often felt that something was missing, I looked at various forms of massage, but none really spoke to me until Rosen which brings together mind, body, spirit and emotions through gentle touch and words. After my first Rosen session, I experienced feelings and sensations in my body that were quite unexpected and new. It felt like my neck was growing! I also experienced emotions I had long held back, which was a huge relief. I was immediately fascinated.
Q: What are your particular areas of interest within your work – what practices or traditions influence you?
I am interested in people, fascinated by how we inhabit our bodies and reality, and I am always delighted by what is possible. So, I guess I am really excited by helping people to increase their possibilities in life, their ability to feel, and experience the joy of being alive in a human body.
I am always inspired by Marion Rosen words:
"Through listening to the truth of the body, it is possible to discover what we can do, who we can be, what we can experience, how we can love."
Q: What might people expect if they book an appointment with you?
People can expect gentle, kind, respectful touch, with sensitive words, an invitation to notice and be curious about themselves, their sensations and feelings, about what can be known in their bodies. The sessions are a collaboration, we follow the moment. The truth of long held emotions can surface, be met and transformed.
Q: What do you like doing in your free time?
I love being out in nature, walking, lying on the grass, and adventure, travel - be that taking a new road home or visiting a new country or continent. I enjoy swimming outdoors - Droitwich Lido is a favourite. I love going to the cinema, particularly independent films, talking with friends, reading and learning.
Q: Tell us something unexpected about yourself.
I once appeared on Chinese TV, in a crowd!
Q: Tell us something that would make us smile about your work?
I absolutely love my work; being present with others through the medium of touch is a huge privilege, and there are often tears – of joy, sadness and laughter, making it hugely enjoyable and endlessly rewarding and fascinating.
To contact Jane email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 07946 446 506. Jane is offering a half-price Rosen session to the first five people to text her with the code word "blog."
For more information please see Jane's therapist page