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Do you wake up and wonder why you are feeling in a bad mood even though it appears nothing obvious has occurred to put you in this mood? It is our thoughts that create our feelings, which in turn create the reality we experience every moment of our lives. Yet often, we are not even aware of what the thoughts are – we just suddenly experience ‘off’ feelings. I woke up one morning this week exactly like this. Now, I know that how you wake up sets the energetic tone for the day ahead. But knowing it is very different to actually practicing it. All I had to go on was how I was feeling and this was quietly dragging me into a state of stagnant inaction. But this was good enough to tap into. I knew I could not reach that wonderful motivated feeling in the current state I was in and that if I didn’t shift this heavy energy, my day would likely not go how I wanted it to; flowing, feeling connected to myself, feeling good about my work ahead. So I met myself in the moment and tapped on the sense of ‘stuck-ness’ before I even stepped a foot out of bed to meet the morning properly. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the energy shifted as I did a few rounds of tapping. The way it gently opens a tiny space to allow in new, liberating energies. And that tiny space that tapping opens up is all that is required to begin to shift us into better serving thoughts and lighter energies. And we give ourselves the chance to set a greater energetic tone for our day. Love energy work.

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